

Nitro Sibir aspires to minimise its impact on our environment and maximise the effective use of resources. We strive to achieve this by increasing communication and awareness of our efforts in accordance with ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management Systems and fostering responsible environmental behaviour amongst staff, volunteers, and users at all levels.

Environmental Policy

The Management at Nitro Sibir is committed to minimising our impact on the environment for the benefit of current and future generations. We will strive to continually improve our Environmental Management System, prevention of pollution and minimisation of waste relevant to our business processes.

Environmental Objectives

The Management and staff at Nitro Sibir are committed and will strive to:

  • Eliminate harm to the environment in all company environments;
  • Implement recycling initiatives within our business processes;
  • Comply with statutory environmental and other regulatory requirements;
  • Conserving the environment and treating all natural resources with care;
  • Working towards ecologically sustainable development which gives consideration to the environmental impact of our business activities;
  • Adopting a reduce, reuse and recycle approach

As part of our systems and processes we will:

  • Train, educate and communicate with workers, contractors and other relevant interested parties in regard to this policy and expectations towards protecting the environment where necessary;
  • Ensure that this policy is retained as documented information, and available to interested parties;
  • Define and meet objectives, by documenting and monitoring measurable environmental targets consistent with this policy;
  • Conduct regular management review meetings to ensure our Environmental Management System is reviewed and controlled appropriately;
  • Report, investigate and apply corrective actions to all environmental incidents and non-compliances;
  • Document and mitigate all company environmental aspects and impacts;
  • Conduct audits of key processes within the business as part of our Continual Improvement Process;
  • Ensure our Environmental Management System is conformant and certified to ISO 14001:2015; and
  • Review this policy annually

Approved by Tim Fry

Chief Executive Officer

October 2023

Read more about our approach.